Monday, November 29, 2010

Desert and semidesert shallow sandy loam- Validating existence of states and phases

Our approach to validating and revising a priori state-and-transition models it to conduct cluster analysis of vegetation community composition and biological crust cover. Some authors have argued that, to focus on functional properties of plant communities such analyses should be conducted based primarily on functional rather than structural indicators. Functional groups of plants (e.g. perrennial grasses, exotic annual grasses, native palatable shrubs) rather than species-level data, are proposed as one way to describe function but would optimally be used in addition to other pertinent indicators of ecosystem function. There are two problems with ascribing state or phase membership based solely on plant functional groups: 1. Some key transitions might involve a shift in dominance among two plants in the same functional group. Despite membership in the same functional group, this represents a stark structural transformation and could represent an unmeasured functional transformation. 2. When working with existing data, rather than collecting a dataset, plant community structure data are the most commonly available detailed data, other more directly functional data are often lacking or incomplete. Therefore, we pragmatically chose to use the richest data we had, plant community structure, in addition to biological crust cover, a structural and functional indicator.

We based our analysis on the NCPN integrated dataset. To standardize the various datasets collected by different observers using different techniques, we applied two steps. 1. Removal of rare species was conducted, because these species are so infrequent they primarily introduce noise. We removed all species with fewer than 10 occurrences in EITHER desert or semi-desert shallow sandy loam. We further removed all species with fewer than 5 occurrences in semi-desert shallow sandy loam, prior to clustering. Finally we removed all species with fewer than 3 occurrences in the desert shallow sandy loam. 2. We applied a double relativization transformation. First each column (a species) is rescaled form 0 - 1. Second, each row is rescaled from 0-1. This equalizes the influence of each column, then purges the influence of total abudance in the sample.

We chose a hierarchical clustering method rather than a fuzzy clustering method because community structure data contain many zeros. In such situations, methods compatible with the Bray-Curtis distance (hierarchical clustering) are preferred over those requiring Euclidean distance (fuzzy clustering), because they do not interpret shared absences as a source of similarity among samples. We used a flexible beta linkage method with beta = - 0.25.

Based on the number of clusters in our a priori models (4), we examined results for 2 - 8 cluster solutions. Cluster analyses are subjective descriptive tools and should not be viewed as strict hypothesis tests. We used the following guidelines to select the best number of clusters: 1) Based on threshold theory, that intermediates between states are unstable and would be uncommonly observed, we chose a number of clusters which displayed a low degree of overlap in ordination space, 2) Acknowledging that we may not observe all of the clusters in our a priori model (and that their absence does not prove they do not exist), and that additional clusters may exist that we did not anticipate, we selected a solution with a number of clusters reasonably close to our a priori expectations, 3) we accepted clusters which were a good match with our a priori expectations if they existed, 4) we accepted unanticipated clusters when they were consistent with a mechanistic explanation as to how they could arise (e.g. dictated by abiotic factors, or a likeley otucome of a given disturbance). We selected the solution that best satisfied all of the above criteria. To help us define the characteristics of our clusters we applied indicator species analysis (Dufrene & Legendre 1997), and viewed NMDS ordinations.

Semi-desert shallow sandy loam
Due to it's much better replication, we analyzed semi-desert sandy loam first. We selected a 5-cluster solution (Fig.1 & 2). One of the hypothesized states (annualized) was confirmed and retained as a state in the final model. One hypothesized state (severely eroded) was never observed, but its absence does not prove that it cannot exist, only that it was not observed, thus it is retained in the final state-and-transition model. The other two hypothesized states (crusted wooded shrublands and uncrusted wooded shrublands) were revised as follows. Three unanticipated clusters were observed (grassy shrublands, rocky shrublands). These were interpreted as spatial phases of the reference state which appear to be dictated by differences in soil depth and degree of surface rock cover. One hypothesized state (crusted wooded shrublands) proved to be two distinct clusters (wooded shrublands, blackbrush shrublands), apparently dictated by precipitation. These were reinterpreted as distinct spatial phases of the reference state. Another hypothesized state was the uncrusted wooded shrubland, a hypothesized outcome of surface disturbance in crusted wooded shrublands. In both the wooded shrublands and blackbrush shrublands clusters, there is a gradient of crust cover, corresponding to time since grazing, however these do not sort into distinct clusters. Therefore we reinterpreted the crusted and uncrusted counterparts of wooded shrublands and blackbrush shrublands as four distinct phases within the reference state.

Fig. 1. NMDS ordination of a 5 cluster solution in 3 dimensions. a. most clusters separate well when viewing the two strongest axes (the horizontal axis is rotated to maximize correlation with time since grazing), with the exception of a wooded shrubland cluster; The annualized cluster is best correlated with current or recent grazing. b. A view of the third axis demonstrates that the wooded shrublands also separate from the other clusters (click to enlarge image).

Fig. 2. Six versions of the above NMDS ordination
, illustrating indicator species of the various clusters. In each panel, the symbols are resized based on the abundance of a single species or biotic component. It is clear that particular species correlate well with particular clusters. a. Biological crust cover, an indicator of blackbrush and wooded shrublands. b. C. viscidiflorus, an indicator of rocky shrublands. c. C. ramosissima, an indicator and namesake of blackbrush shrublands. d. P. edulis, an indicator of wooded shrublands. e. Opuntia, an indicator of annualized. f. A. hymendoides, an indicator of grassy shrublands (click to enlarge image).

These revisions result in a 3 state state-and-transition model with 6 phases of the reference state. Three of these phases are at-risk and potentially subject to transition out of the reference state. Transitions are modeled and discussed in a separate exercise.

Desert shallow sandy loam

Using our a priori model and knowledge gained from our analysis of semi-desert sandy loam we conducted a similar exercise for desert shallow sandy loam. We selected a three cluster solution (Fig. 3 & 4). As above, one state (annualized) was observed and confirmed, and another (severely eroded) was not observed but retained as a possibility in the final model. Because this ecological site is drier there was no distinction between wooded shrublands and blackbrush shrublands, only blackbrush shrublands occurred. We also observed a cluster strongly reminiscent of the rocky shrublands identified in semi-desert shallow sandy loam. Finally, we did not observe a phase corresponding to grassy shrublands, but we infer its existence as a precursor to annualized states. The sample size was considerably lower (40), only about half of which were not currently disturbed, thus it is entirely reasonable that such a phase exists but was not detected.

Fig. 3. NMDS ordination of a 3 cluster solution (click to enlarge image).

Fig. 4. Three versions of the above NMDS ordination
, illustrating indicator species of the 3 clusters. In each panel, the symbols are resized based on the abundance of a single species or biotic component. It is clear that particular species correlate well with particular clusters. a. C. ramosissima, an indicator and namesake of blackbrush shrublands. b. C. viscidiflorus, an indicator of rocky shrublands. c. G. sarothrae, an indicator of annualized. (click to enlarge image).

Our final 3 state state-and-transition model closely resembled that developed for semi-desert shallow sandy loam, except that phases with tree overstories were omitted. Transitions are modeled and discussed in a separate exercise.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Desert shallow sandy loam (CORA)

The following state and transition model was developed based upon a priori knowledge of the ecological site (e.g., past experience and published literature) ecological principles and logical hypotheses. To the greatest degree possible, empirical data was used to validate concepts in the model. A confirmation of the existence of states using cluster analyses can be viewed at this link. Analyses aimed at modeling transitions can be viewed at this link.

Fig. 1. State-and-transition diagram for desert shallow sandy loam. Solid boxes represent ecosystem states. Dashed boxes indicate phases within states (red signifies a phase that is at-risk of transition to another state). Arrows indicate transitions. In some cases, phases within the reference state are not connected to any others by arrows; this is our method of representing spatial variants of the reference state that are dictated by abiotic factors (click to enlarge image)

S1. REFERENCE SHRUBLANDS. Multiple distinct vegetative communities can be observed. They appear to largely be dictated by abiotic factors rather than disturbance and successional processes. Soil depth and proportion of the surface covered by rocks seem to dictate dominant vegetation, and biological crust cover (as rock increases, the amount of available habitat for crusts decreases). Most of the reference communities contain Coleogyne ramosissima. Sites with low to moderate surface rock, and shallow depth (indicated by exposures of bedrock) tend to favor C. ramosissima shrublands.

S1P1. ROCKY SHRUBLANDS. This phase is characterized by surfaces dominated by small rocks. The vegetative community is quite distinct, being dominated by Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus. Elymus elymoides and Atriplex canescens are the most common palatable species. Biological crusts are unimportant, as there is little available habitat. Invasion by Bromus tectorum is uncommon, and of minor severity.

S1P2. BLACKBRUSH SHRUBLANDS – CRUSTED. This phase is characterized by low surface rock cover, and shallow soils indicated by bedrock exposures. The vegetation is naturally dominated by C. ramosissima and Ephedra spp. Biological crusts are common but cover is generally low. Invasion by Bromus tectorum is uncommon, and of minor severity.

Transitions from this phase are modeled at this link.

S1P3. BLACKBRUSH SHRUBLANDS. This phase is identical to S1P5, except that biological crust cover may be compromised by surface disturbances. Total plant cover may be reduced. Invasion by Bromus tectorum is uncommon, and of minor severity.

Transitions to this phase are modeled at this link.

S1P4. GRASSY SHRUBLANDS. This phase was not directly observed in available data, but is inferred based upon a parallel phase in semidesert shallow sandy loam sites. It is presumed to be the precursor of S2, though this cannot be tested directly since S2 sites occur only (with one exception) in currently grazed sites. Based on the native palatable species in S2, this phase might contain Aristida purpurea and Pleuraphis jamesii. Biological crusts are probably common but not abundant.

Transitions from this phase are discussed at this link.

S2. ANNUALIZED. Based upon physical attributes (relatively low exposed bedrock and surface rock) and some floristic similarities, this state is likely to arise via grazing disturbance to S1P1. It is dominated by native unpalatable shrubs such as Gutierrezia sarothrae. Also, Bromus tectorum may be a major community component, even codominating. Due to the potentially high contribution of B. tectorum to total cover, inter- and intra-annual variation in total cover is possible. Biological crusts are typically eliminated or occur in low abundance.

Transitions to this state are discussed at this link.

S3. SEVERELY ERODED. This state is largely theoretical. When a site is naturally lacking in surface rocks, its soil erodibility can be enhanced by loss of biological crusts (this occurs previously in the transition from SIP3 to SIP4). Erosivity, the ability of erosive forces to move sediment, is largely modified by properties of the plant community. When both erodibility and erosivity are high, erosion is certain to occur. If grazing intensity or drought mortality (or other disturbance such as ORVs, seismic explorer rigs, etc.) is so great that the erosivity-dampening properties of the vegetative community are degraded, a positive feedback may be initiated whereby erosion prevents vegetation recovery.

OTHER TRANSITIONS. This ecological site is closely aligned with Semidesert shallow sandy loam (JUOS-CORA), which can be viewed simply as a wetter version of Desert shallow sandy loam. Recent global-change type droughts in the Colorado Plateau region suggest that drought mortality can occur quickly in pulses. Pinus edulis, an important species of Semidesert shallow sandy loam (JUOS-CORA) is particularly susceptible. We can envision that a prolonged drying trend or an extreme drought could transition the states and phases od Semidesert shallow sandy loam (JUOS-CORA) to corresponding states and phases here in the Desert shallow sandy loam (CORA) ecological site. A state-and-transition model can illustrate possible transitions between these two ecological sites.

Fig. 2. A state-and-transition model illustrating the states and phases of both Semidesert shallow sandy loam and Desert shallow sandy loam. Transitions in blue indicate transitions precipitated by droughts linked to climate change (click to enlarge image)

NCPN integrated dataset

I compiled an integrated dataset form multiple sources with representation of 9 ecological sites found in the NPS I&M Northern Colorado Plateau Network (NCPN): Desert Sandy Loam (ATCA), Semidesert sand (ATCA), Semidesert sandy loam (ATCA), Desert shallow sandy loam (CORA), Semi-desert shallow sandy loam (PIED-JUOS-CORA), Semidesert Alkali sandy loam, Semidesert stony loam, Semidesert very steep stony loam Semidesert sand (CORA). 627 records were compiled from 7 data sources. These include: 1) the Arches National Park vegetation mapping dataset (Coles et al. 2009) which provides plant community composition and some ground cover data by cover class. 2) the Capitol Reef National Park vegetation mapping dataset (Clark et al. 2009) which provides quantitative plant community composition and some ground cover data from two data collection periods and multiple disturbance regimes.
3) the NPS Inventory and Monitoring Network dataset (Witwicki 2009a, Witwicki 2009b) which provides quantitative plant community composition, soil stability, gap size distributions, ground cover and multiple years of sampling, 4) The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument rangeland health assessment data set (Miller et al. 2005) which provides quantitative plant community data, soil stability, and ground cover, 5) Miller et al. unpublished which provides plant community composition, soil stability, gap size distributions, ground cover among other data and multiple disturbance histories, 6) The Canyonlands vegetation mapping dataset (unpublished), 7) The NPS monitoring protocol development dataset (Miller et al. 2007) which provides plant community composition, soil stability, gap size distributions, ground cover among other data.

Time since grazing is estimated conservatively by subtracting the last possible date of grazing activity from the date of data collection. In the case of the NCPN dataset, the first year of plot establishment was used. In the entire database this calculation resulted in time since grazing estimates of: 0, 3, 10, 14, 20, 21, 26, 27, 31, 32, 33, 34, 44, and never grazed.

Clark D, Dela Cruz M, Clark T, Coles J, Topp S, Evenden A, Wight A, Wakefield G, Von Loh J. 2009. Vegetation classification and mapping project report, Capitol Reef National Park. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCPN/NRTR - 2009/187. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Coles J, Tendick A, Manis G, Wight A, Wakefield G, Von Loh J, Evenden A. 2009. Vegetation Classification and mapping report, Arches National Park. Natural Resources Technical Report NPS/NCPN/NRTR-2009/253. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Miller, Mark E. 2008. Broad-scale assessment of rangeland health, Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, USA. Rangeland Ecology and Management 61:249-262.

Miller, Mark E., Witwicki, Dana L., Mann, Rebecca K., and Tancreto, Nicole J., 2007, Field evaluations of sampling methods for long-term monitoring of upland ecosystems on the Colorado Plateau: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1243, 188 p.

Witwicki D. 2009. Integrated upland monitoring in Canyonlands National Park: Annual Report 2008. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCPN/NRTR - 2009/236. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Witwicki D. 2009. Integrated upland monitoring in Capitol Reef National Park: Annual Report 2008. Natural Resource Technical Report NPS/NCPN/NRTR - 2009/237. National Park Service, Fort Collins, Colorado.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Semi-desert shallow sandy loam (JUOS-CORA)

The following state and transition model was developed based upon a priori knowledge of the ecological site (e.g., past experience and published literature) ecological principles and logical hypotheses. To the greatest degree possible, empirical data was used to validate concepts in the model. A confirmation of the existence of states using cluster analyses can be viewed at this link. Analyses aimed at modeling transitions can be viewed at this link.

Fig. 1. State-and-transition diagram for desert shallow sandy loam. Solid boxes represent ecosystem states. Dashed boxes indicate phases within states (red signifies a phase that is at-risk of transition to another state). Arrows indicate transitions. In some cases, phases within the reference state are not connected to any others by arrows; this is our method of representing spatial variants of the reference state that are dictated by abiotic factors (
click to enlarge image)

S1. REFERENCE SHRUBLANDS & WOODLANDS. Multiple distinct vegetative communities can be observed. They appear to largely be dictated by abiotic factors rather than disturbance and successional processes. Soil depth and proportion of the surface covered by rocks seem to dictate dominant vegetation, and biological crust cover (as rock increases, the amount of available habitat for crusts decreases). Most of the reference communities contain Coleogyne ramosissima. Sites with low to moderate surface rock, and shallow depth (indicated by exposures of bedrock) tend to favor C. ramosissima shrublands or Pinus-Juniperus woodlands. Their relative prevalence is likely influences by regional factors such as precipitation, and local factors such as bedrock fissures for rooting.

S1P1. GRASSY SHRUBLANDS. This phase is characterized by few exposures of bedrock, and low levels of surface rock. Such sites are dominated by the grass Achnatherum hymenoides, and palatable shrubs such as Artemisia bigelovii or Eriogonum corymbosum. It can be inferred that soils are relatively deep compared to other phases. In a low-disturbance state, biological crust cover is frequent but modest, usually 5-10%. May be invaded by Bromus tectorum, but it is not a major component.

Transitions from this phase are modeled at this link.

S1P2. WOODED SHRUBLANDS – CRUSTED. This phase is characterized by low surface rock cover, and shallow soils indicated by bedrock exposures. Juniperus osteosperma and/or Pinus edulis are characteristic of this phase along with various shrubs including Coloeogyne ramosissima, Shepherdia rotundifolia, Mahonia fremontii, Ephedra viridis and Artemisia tridentata. Such sites with high available habitat and possibly perched water, have a high propensity to support biological crusts with cover often reaching 15% or greater. Invasion by Bromus tectorum is uncommon, and of minor severity.

Transitions from this phase are modeled at this link.

S1P3. WOODED SHRUBLANDS. This phase is identical to S1P2, except that biological crust cover has been compromised by surface disturbances. Total plant cover may be reduced. Invasion by Bromus tectorum is uncommon, and of minor severity.

Transitions to this phase are modeled at this link.

S1P4. ROCKY SHRUBLANDS. This phase is characterized by surfaces dominated by small rocks. The vegetative community is quite distinct, being dominated by Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus and Hymenoxys richardsonii. Poa fendleriana is the most common palatable species. Biological crusts are unimportant, as there is little available habitat. Invasion by Bromus tectorum is uncommon, and of minor severity.

S1P5. BLACKBRUSH SHRUBLANDS – CRUSTED. This phase is characterized by low surface rock cover, and shallow soils indicated by bedrock exposures. The vegetation is naturally dominated by C. ramosissima and Ephedra spp. Such sites with high available habitat and possibly perched water, have a high propensity to support biological crusts with cover often reaching 20% or greater. Invasion by Bromus tectorum is uncommon, and of minor severity.

Transitions from this phase are modeled at this link.

S1P6. BLACKBRUSH SHRUBLANDS. This phase is identical to S1P5, except that biological crust cover has been compromised by surface disturbances. Total plant cover may be reduced. Invasion by Bromus tectorum is uncommon, and of minor severity.

Transitions to this phase are modeled at this link.

S2. ANNUALIZED. Based upon physical attributes (relatively low exposed bedrock and surface rock) and some floristic similarities, this state is likely to arise via grazing disturbance to S1P1. It is dominated by native unpalatable shrubs such as Gutierrezia microcephala, and Opuntia spp. Also, Bromus tectorum may be a major community component, even codominating. Due to the potentially high contribution of B. tectorum to total cover, inter- and intra-annual variation in total cover is possible. Biological crusts are typically eliminated or occur in low abundance.

Transitions from this state are modeled at this link.

S3. SEVERELY ERODED. This state is largely theoretical. When a site is naturally lacking in surface rocks, its soil erodibility can be enhanced by loss of biological crusts (this occurs previously in the transition from SIP5 to SIP6, and from S1P2 to S1P3). Erosivity, the ability of erosive forces to move sediment, is largely modified by properties of the plant community. When both erodibility and erosivity are high, erosion is certain to occur. If grazing intensity or drought mortality (or other disturbance such as ORVs, seismic explorer rigs, etc.) is so great that the erosivity-dampening properties of the vegetative community are degraded, a positive feedback may be initiated whereby erosion prevents vegetation recovery.

OTHER TRANSITIONS. This ecological site is closely aligned with Desert shallow sandy loam (CORA), which can be viewed simply as a drier version of Semidesert shallow sandy loam. Recent global-change type droughts in the Colorado Plateau region suggest that drought mortality can occur quickly in pulses. Pinus edulis is particularly susceptible. We can envision that a prolonged drying trend or an extreme drought could transition the states and phases presented here to corresponding states and phases in Desert shallow sandy loam. Another state-and-transition model can illustrate possible transitions between these two ecological sites.

Fig. 2. A state-and-transition model illustrating the states and phases of both Semidesert shallow sandy loam and Desert shallow sandy loam. Transitions in blue indicate transitions precipitated by droughts linked to climate change (click to enlarge image).